
عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف مناهج

Project: Research a celebration in another country. Present your findings to the class.

  Research a celebration in another country. Present your findings to the class. Answers, Mega 2 Unit 14, Let's Celebrate  Project: Research a celebration in another country. Present your findings to the class. Essay on How People in Kuwait Celebrate Eid Al-Fitr Muslims around the world celebrate Eid Al-Fitr in many different ways, depending on the country and culture. In Kuwait, in the first day of Eid, women, men, girls, boys, and children attend a special Eid prayer in mosques or outdoor prayer areas. After the Eid prayer, people greeting each other and getting blessings from elder family members. From noon, visits start by greeting neighbors and friends, followed by a gathering in the house of the eldest family member to have lunch and begin the activities of the feast.The Eid breakfast usually includes some light food, along with Kuwaiti food like darabeel, milk, dates, debs and rahash, which are the main dishes on the breakfast table. Regarding traditional clothes, people ca

Essay about Climbing Mountain as An Extreme Activity

Essay about Climbing Mountain as An Extreme Activity Essay about Climbing Mountain as An Extreme Activity   Super 2, Unit 16, Have You Ever,  Project Answer   Essay about Climbing Mountain as An Extreme Activity  Extreme sports is a broad term to describe any action or adventure sports that include a high dosage of risk, height, speed, natural challenges, and physical struggle. I believe that there are many extreme sports that are healthy challenging such as mountain climbing. One of the most dangerous things to do is definitely mountain climbing.One needs to have a lot of courage and endurance powers to be able to accomplish this challenging task. It is truly a life-risking experience as one faces a lot of challenges while doing it. Firstly, you face breathing troubles as the air becomes rarefied the higher you go. After that, there is always the risk of falling or slipping off. Plus, the cold weather just makes it worse. Moreover, the climber also suffers from frostbite and their t

Essay about Best Place for My Dream Vacation

Essay about Best Place for My Dream Vacation Essay about Best Place for My Dream Vacation Super 1, Expansion Units 12-13, My Dream Vacation Essay about Best Place for My Dream Vacation I’m going to take a relaxing vacation on a tropical island. I love going with my family to beachside resort on vacation every summer. I want to see the beautiful, Blue Ocean and white beaches with palm trees. We always stay in a comfortable apartment with a beautiful view. There are lots of fun activities to do at Beachside. My dad and brothers enjoy doing water sports. They usually rent a boat. My dad and Loai spend the day fishing. Sometimes they catch enough fish for dinner. Hosam prefers snorkeling, and this year he would like trying scuba diving. My mom can’t stand sailing because she gets seasick, and I hate to sit on the boat all day. We prefer to walk along the beach. In the evening, I help my mom cook dinner. We all love to eat fresh fish and seafood. After dinner, my brothers li

A Day in My Life as a Quiz Competition Winner

A Day in My Life as a Quiz Competition Winner An Essay about'A Day in My Life as a Quiz Competition Winner' A Day in My Life in London as a Quiz Competition Winner I love being in London. With a rich history, modern infrastructure, and ample job opportunities, England is a good place to move. It boasts of some of the world’s best museums and galleries, with so many options you’ll be spoilt for choice. The people are polite, friendly, and helpful. I live the same kind of life that you do. I have a nice and beautiful house but it’s small. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I’ve black Ford car. In the summer, I usually go to the countryside with my family. The countryside is beautiful. But there is one thing that is unbearable, as a foreigner is the yucky mellow wet rainy cloudy weather and lack of the sun all around the year. My daily routine begins in the early morning. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. Then I work out for 5-6 hours. After that I come back home in the evening.

Football is My Favorite Sport

Essay on Football is My Favorite Sport Football is My Favorite Sport Everyone has a favorite sport. Football is my absolute favorite sport, and it's incredibly popular among youngsters in the world. It is a popularly played sport throughout the world! The best teams from every country make it to the world cup, and people across the globe watch it with interest. I love football because there is a sense of freedom in playing the game. It is physically demanding as we have to run around the field to score a goal and simultaneously defend our side of the goal post. I play football every day in school with my classmates. I also play football with other children in my neighbourhood. It is a great way to make friends as you learn to play as a team. Many of us dream of becoming great footballers someday. I always work on my skills because my coach says we can make it to the state or national level championships if we play well. Football is just as much about strategy and teamwork as it

اختبار انجليزي نهائي(نموذج الاجابة) للصف الثاني ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍ "نظام المسارات"

 اختبار انجليزي نهائي(نموذج الاجابة) للصف الثاني ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍ "نظام المسارات" اختبار مقرر انجليزي (نموذج الاجابة) صف ثاني ثانوي الفصل الاول للعام الدراسي ١٤٤٤ه‍  English Language Final Exam Term: 1 – 1444 Session: 1 Grade: 2 - Mega Goal 2.1 I. Reading Comprehension  Read the following text, and then answer the questions below: A man had driven to the local grocery store, parked his car, and gone into the store to do some shopping. When he came out of the store, carrying his bags, he saw that his car was missing from the parking lot. He called the police and reported that his car had been stolen. He told the police that he had left his cell phone in the car. The police thought hard about how to use the cell phone to find the stolen car. Finally, one of the police officers had a brilliant idea . A police officer called the man’s cell phone, and the thief answered the phone. The officer explained that he had seen an advertisement in the newspa

اسئلة اختبار رياضيات نموذج الاجابة صف اول متوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍ 

 نموذج اختبار رياضيات نهائي "مع الاجابات" للصف الاول متوسط الفصل الأول " الدور الاول" للعام الدراسي ١٤٤٤ه‍  اسئلة اختبار رياضيات نموذج الاجابة صف اول متوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍  1. يدور محرك سيارة ١٨٠ دورة بالدقيقة فكم يدور بالثانية أ- ٣ دورات  ب- ٦ دورات  جـ- ٤ دورات  د- ٥ دورات الجواب: يدور بالثانية ٣ دورات. 2. قيمة العبارة ٢ تكعيب يساوي أ- ٨  ب- ٤  جـ- ١٦  د- ١٠ الجواب: قيمة العبارة ٢ تكعيب يساوي ٨ 3. اكتب ٦ تربيع على صورة ضرب العامل في نفسه =  الجواب: ٦ تربيع على صورة ضرب العامل في نفسه = ٦ × ٦ × ٦ × ٦ 4. قيمة العبارة بترتيب العمليات ١٠ + ٨ ÷ ٢ - ٦ =  الجواب: قيمة العبارة بترتيب العمليات ١٠ + ٨ ÷ ٢ - ٦ = ٨ 5. قيمة العبارة ١٥- ص تربيع إذا كانت ص = ٣ الجواب: قيمة العبارة ١٥- ص تربيع إذا كانت ص = ٣ هي ٦ اختبار رياضيات نهائي نموذج الاجابة صف اول متوسط الفصل الدراسي الأول الدور الأول للعام 1444هـ  6. حل المعادلة ب - ٥ = ٢٠ ، ب = الجواب: حل المعادلة ب - ٥ = ٢٠ ، ب = ٢٥ 7. حل المعادلة ٣س = ١٥ ، س = الجواب: حل المعادلة ٣س = ١٥ ، س = ٥ 8. العبا

تعبير بالانجليزي حول مزايا وسلبيات التعليم عن بعد والتعليم الحضوري

  تعبير بالانجليزي حول مزايا وسلبيات التعليم عن بعد والتعليم الحضوري موضوع تعبير بالانجليزي حول مزايا وسلبيات التعليم عن بعد والتعليم الحضوري Online Learning vs Face to Face learning: Advantages and Disadvantages  A. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning 1. Advantages of Online Learning • Social distancing and a lessened chance of COVID-19 exposure. Students do not have to wear a mask at home or follow strict safety procedures at a school level to keep the children there safe. • Increased flexibility in their school schedule. Students can work at their pace and take on tasks based on a timeline that feels comfortable for them. • Less time getting ready in the morning or dealing with transportation issues. 2. Disadvantages of Online Learning • Less social interaction with peers.  • Lack of structure for kids who thrive in a structured environment. With this, there may be some difficulty, for working parents, in keeping up with your student’s academic schedule. This c

اختبار تفكير ناقد نهائي مع الاجابة صف ثالث ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍

 اختبار تفكير ناقد نهائي مع الاجابة صف ثالث ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍ نموذج اختبار مادة التفكير الناقد مع الاجابة للصف الثالث الثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ١٤٤٤ه‍ 1. سأل محمد صديقه مشاري : ما هي العوائق والصعوبات التي تواجه إشباع الحاجة ! جواب هذا السؤال يفسر مفهوم: - المشكلة  - الصراع  - الجدال  - المعلومات الجواب: جواب هذا السؤال يفسر مفهوم المشكلة. 2. أواجه مشكلة مع الأستاذ عبدالوهاب بالفصل لأني لا أركز وأنتبه للشرح وأعرف تماما هذه المشكلة و لكني لا أعرف حلها "هذه مشكلة واضحة": - الأهداف غير واضحة المعطيات - المعطيات غير واضحة الأهداف - المعطيات والأهداف - الأهداف فقط الجواب: هذه مشكلة واضحة المعطيات غير واضحة الأهداف. 3. أول خطوة في مراحل حل المشكلات هي - انتهاء المشكلة  - الإحساس بالمشكلة  - التخطيط لحلها  - تنفيذ خطة الحل الجواب: أول خطوة في مراحل حل المشكلات هي الإحساس بالمشكلة. 4. العناية باحتمالات الفشل وتوقع الأسوء والتشاؤم وتوضيح نقاط الضعف والجوانب السلبية تعريف للتفكير - الحيادي السلبي  - العاطفي  - الحذر المتشائم  - الم