A Day in My Life as a Quiz Competition Winner

A Day in My Life as a Quiz Competition Winner An Essay about'A Day in My Life as a Quiz Competition Winner' A Day in My Life in London as a Quiz Competition Winner I love being in London. With a rich history, modern infrastructure, and ample job opportunities, England is a good place to move. It boasts of some of the world’s best museums and galleries, with so many options you’ll be spoilt for choice. The people are polite, friendly, and helpful. I live the same kind of life that you do. I have a nice and beautiful house but it’s small. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I’ve black Ford car. In the summer, I usually go to the countryside with my family. The countryside is beautiful. But there is one thing that is unbearable, as a foreigner is the yucky mellow wet rainy cloudy weather and lack of the sun all around the year. My daily routine begins in the early morning. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. Then I work out for 5-6 hours. After that I come back home in the evening. I spend my time with my family. My relationship with my family is that much stronger that I even can’t express it in words. Also, I’ve extremely close relationships with my friend. I think that routines can help in working more efficiently and have greater control over your life but planning out every moment of every day is overdoing it. In sum-up, there’s plenty of good things and plenty of bad things that you also get in most other countries, so I’ve restricted in this essay to the ones I see as a specific to England. These include: High cost of living. An Unpredictable weather. Lack of privacy Public Transportation – Crowded and busy. There is a lack of optimism. While there is some exceptions, the national trend is towards complacency and fatalism. “There is nothing I can do about it so why try” Looking to the past instead of looking to the future.


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